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Arctic Cat ATV Arcticwear & Accessories

Arctic Cat ATV Arcticwear & Accessories

12' drag harrow


  • Multitasking drag harrow aerates, detaches and allows moisture to soak into soil
  • 4' sections fold up for transport
  • Levels furrows and ridges
  • Finishes ground evenly after planting a crop, dragging a ball field or smoothing out a riding arena or driveway
  • Actuator (1436-269) and wiring harness (1436-301) sold separately
12' drag harrow

12' drag harrow

12' drag harrow
№ каталог Описание Цена
1436-259 12' Drag Harrow 388 801.06р
Номер в каталоге: 1436-259
Описание: 12' Drag Harrow
Цена: 388 801.06р.
В корзину шт.
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