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Parts Unlimited
Victory & Indian 2016

Indian accessories
Victory accessories
Parts Unlimited Victory & Indian 2016

Dynojet power commander v

Fuel & air systems

  • Fuel control for each individual cylinder in a smaller enclosure
  • "Warm-up" fuel adjustment (unit reads engine temp and allows fuel/timing adjustments based on the reading)
  • Includes ignition adjustment feature; allows full ignition timing control of each cylinder
  • Easy to install
  • USB powered from computer; 9 volt adapter is no longer needed
  • Two-position map-switching function built in
  • Can add any Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switch and toggle between two different fuel maps
  • Gear/ speed input allows for map adjustment based on gear
  • Analog input allows user to install any 0-5 volt sensor
  • Build an adjustment table based on analog input such as boost or temperature
  • Power Commander V is capable of allowing each cylinder to be mapped individually and for each gear with the gear position input connected
  • Enhanced “accel pump” utility
  • Made in the U.S.A.
NOTE: Not for use with Power Commander III USB.

Dynojet power commander v

Dynojet power commander v

Dynojet power commander v
№ каталог Описание Цена
1020-2130 DynoJet Power Commander V 59 544.10р
Номер в каталоге: 1020-2130
Описание: DynoJet Power Commander V
Цена: 59 544.10р.
В корзину шт.
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