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Parts Unlimited
ATV & UTV 2015

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Parts Unlimited ATV & UTV 2015

Cycle care formula envirogreen no-rinse wash and wax


  • This new technology which conserves water, allows you to wash your motorcycle anywhere, and be compliant with all municipal restrictions, hotels, apartments, condos, etc.
  • This no-rinse bike wash captures the dirt with a lubricating, distillate-free resin which prevents scratching and abrasion of surfaces
  • Add two full caps per gallon of water (.5 oz.); wash with microfiber mitt PART #3704-0138; dry and shine with clean microfiber towel PART #s 3713-0050 or 3713-0051
  • As you towel dry, you are creating that “Wet Wax” shine and durability, for which Cycle Care® has become famous
  • Sold each
NOTE: Extremely dirty bikes could require a second application and fresh microfiber for the drying/ polishing procedure.
Cycle care formula envirogreen no-rinse wash and wax

Cycle care formula envirogreen no-rinse wash and wax

Cycle care formula envirogreen no-rinse wash and wax
№ каталог Описание Цена
3704-0213 16 oz. bottle 2 109.00р
Номер в каталоге: 3704-0213
Описание: 16 oz. bottle
Цена: 2 109.00р.
В корзину шт.
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