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Parts Unlimited
Street 2015

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Parts Unlimited Street 2015

Maxima racing oils chain wax chain care kit

Washes & cleaners

  • Clean-Up, MPPL (Multi-Purpose Penetrant Lube) and Chain Wax – a winning combination proven to increase horsepower and extend chain and sprocket life
  • Clean-Up degreaser is excellent for chains and/or sprockets and easily washes out with water
  • MPPL is a superior, all-purpose spray-on penetrating lubricant that provides a barrier against rust and corrosion; great for displacing moisture
  • Chain Wax’s parafilm formula sprays on as a liquid, penetrates and then sets up as a soft waxy film, to create an excellent lube that protects chain from the elements; resists fling-off
  • For street and off-road use
  • 3-pack contains 15.5 oz. net weight Clean-Up, 14.5 oz. net weight MPPL and 13.5 oz. net weight Chain Wax
Maxima racing oils chain wax chain  care kit

Maxima racing oils chain wax chain care kit

Maxima racing oils chain wax chain care kit
№ каталог Описание Цена
3605-0034 Maxima Racing Oils® Chain Wax Chain Care Kit 3 401.00р
Номер в каталоге: 3605-0034
Описание: Maxima Racing Oils® Chain Wax Chain Care Kit
Цена: 3 401.00р.
В корзину шт.
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