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Western Power Sports
Street 2016

Air filters
Batteries / chargers
Chinese vehicle parts
Covers & security
Cruiser / touring accessories
Fuel systems
Gas cans
Handlebars / controls
Levers / cables
Lighting / gauges
Luggage / seats
Oil filters
Sportbike accessories
Suspension / frame
Transport / trailer
Tubes / tire accessories
Western Power Sports Street 2016

Signal dynamics corporation backoff xp

Lighting accessories

  • This module converts your ordinary brake lights into your choice of two attention getting visual alerting signals when you apply your brakes
  • Mode #1: Emits a visual signal of 4 short light flashes, followed by 1 long light flash (3.5 seconds). The signal automatically repeats itself as long as the brakes are applied. Mode #1: Emits a visual signal of 5 short flashes, followed by a steady on light that remains steady on as long as the brakes are applied
  • Compact - 2-1/4”L x 1-5/8”W x 5/8”H sealed weather resistant heat sink case
  • 12 volts DC, 10A max capacity
  • Limited Warranty - One Year
NOTE: This module is rated at 10 Amps which will only drive 3 - 1156/1157 bulbs. Please DO NOT install any BackOFF Brake Light product on your turn signals, it is illegal and also confusing to following vehicles.

Signal dynamics corporation backoff xp

Signal dynamics corporation backoff xp

Signal dynamics corporation backoff xp
№ каталог Описание Цена
28-01004 Backoff XP 7 624.00р
Номер в каталоге: 28-01004
Описание: Backoff XP
Цена: 7 624.00р.
В корзину шт.
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