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Western Power Sports
Street 2016

Air filters
Batteries / chargers
Chinese vehicle parts
Covers & security
Cruiser / touring accessories
Fuel systems
Gas cans
Handlebars / controls
Levers / cables
Lighting / gauges
Luggage / seats
Oil filters
Sportbike accessories
Suspension / frame
Transport / trailer
Tubes / tire accessories
Western Power Sports Street 2016

Wps valve stems

Tubes / tire accessories

    P/N's 85-0447 and 85-0447B
    • Pop-in 412 series (.453”) valve stem seals well in OEM and aftermarket rims
    • Shorter for ATV applications
    P/N 85-0448
    • Threaded full 1 3/16" length for various rim thicknesses
    • Fits .327"’ valve hole and equipped with O-ring seal
    P/N's 85-0449 and 85-0449B
    • Pop-in 413 series (.453”) valve meets the same rigid standards required for OEM applications
    • Designed to resist damage from ozone and premature rubber deterioration from valve hole compression, heat, cold and moisture
    P/N 85-0450
    • Chrome plated sealing valve cap
    • Grommets to fit either .453 or .625"’ valve holes
    P/N's 85-0445 and 85-0446
    • 90­° valve stem style
    Wps valve stems Wps valve stems Wps valve stems Wps valve stems Wps valve stems
    Wps valve stems

    Wps valve stems

    Wps valve stems
    № каталог Описание Цена
    85-0445 style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://cdn-9.psndealer.com/e2/dealersite/images/ec0517/85-0445.jpg', 'PictureWindow','width=400,height=300,left=20 4 402.00р
    Номер в каталоге: 85-0445
    Описание: style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://cdn-9.psndealer.com/e2/dealersite/images/ec0517/85-0445.jpg', 'PictureWindow','width=400,height=300,left=20
    Цена: 4 402.00р.
    В корзину шт.
    85-0446 90° .453"/.625" 4 402.00р
    Номер в каталоге: 85-0446
    Описание: 90° .453"/.625"
    Цена: 4 402.00р.
    В корзину шт.
    85-0447 Pop-In 412 Series .453" - 1 590.00р
    Номер в каталоге: 85-0447
    Описание: Pop-In 412 Series .453" -
    Цена: 1 590.00р.
    В корзину шт.
    85-0447B Pop-In 412 Series .453" - --
    Номер в каталоге: 85-0447B
    Описание: Pop-In 412 Series .453" -
    Цена: 0.00р.
    В корзину шт.
    85-0448 style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://cdn-9.psndealer.com/e2/dealersite/images/ec0517/85-0448.jpg', 'PictureWindow','width=400,height=300,left=20 3 154.00р
    Номер в каталоге: 85-0448
    Описание: style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://cdn-9.psndealer.com/e2/dealersite/images/ec0517/85-0448.jpg', 'PictureWindow','width=400,height=300,left=20
    Цена: 3 154.00р.
    В корзину шт.
    85-0449 Pop-in 413 series .453" - 1 156.00р
    Номер в каталоге: 85-0449
    Описание: Pop-in 413 series .453" -
    Цена: 1 156.00р.
    В корзину шт.
    85-0449B Pop-in 413 series .453" - --
    Номер в каталоге: 85-0449B
    Описание: Pop-in 413 series .453" -
    Цена: 0.00р.
    В корзину шт.
    85-0450 style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://cdn-9.psndealer.com/e2/dealersite/images/ec0517/85-0450.jpg', 'PictureWindow','width=400,height=300,left=20 4 038.00р
    Номер в каталоге: 85-0450
    Описание: style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://cdn-9.psndealer.com/e2/dealersite/images/ec0517/85-0450.jpg', 'PictureWindow','width=400,height=300,left=20
    Цена: 4 038.00р.
    В корзину шт.
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