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Western Power Sports
Snowmobile 2016

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Western Power Sports Snowmobile 2016

Mtntk performance "blow hole" hot air eliminator

Air intake & vents

The current trend in mountain machines has been to make them smaller and more compact thus limiting the amount of area that can be used for vent surfaces. Deep snow and extreme conditions also put enormous loads on the motor which helps raise the under hood temps shortening belt life and reduces performance. The Blow Hole helps remove that heat via a high output fan.
  • Active venting system expels hot air even at low ground speeds or when snow is covering vents as opposed to traditional passive venting
  • Pulls approximately 140 CFM of air through the hood and clutch area
  • Prolongs belt life and helps keep clutches cooler
  • Heavy duty welded aluminum design is rugged yet lightweight
  • Air is removed from the clutch housing and fan installation does not inhibit or otherwise interfere with belt changes
  • Radiated hear from engine is absorbed by the cool incoming air instead of air intake/ box thus keeping intake air temps down
  • Gives engine a crisper and more consistent feel and makes more power when subjected to heavy powder and hillclimbing
  • Belt dust and other fine debris is essentially vacuumed out of under hood area helping to keep clutches and engine compartment cleaner
  • Also makes an excellent goggle defogger
  • Factory connectors allows true plug and play install and allows for quick disconnect for troubleshooting and working on snowmobile
  • Mounting location is clutch side knee panel
P/Ns 59-59900, 59-59901, 12-18650 - Fits original ‘12-13 belt guard. If updated non-removable guard has been installed, purchase 59-59901.

P/Ns 59-59925, 59-59990 - rectifier required if DC power plug is already being used, WPS# 59-59990. Allows use of AC power plug to run Blow Hole. May also be purchased separately to supply other accessories DC power. Plug and play, no electrical modifications needed.

Mtntk performance Mtntk performance Mtntk performance Mtntk performance Mtntk performance
Mtntk performance

Mtntk performance "blow hole" hot air eliminator

Mtntk performance "blow hole" hot air eliminator
№ каталог Описание Цена
12-18650 Arctic Cat ProClimb '12-13 Belt Guard Repair Clip - --
Номер в каталоге: 12-18650
Описание: Arctic Cat ProClimb '12-13 Belt Guard Repair Clip -
Цена: 0.00р.
В корзину шт.
59-59900 Arctic Cat ProClimb '12-13 Blow Hole - --
Номер в каталоге: 59-59900
Описание: Arctic Cat ProClimb '12-13 Blow Hole -
Цена: 0.00р.
В корзину шт.
59-59901 Arctic Cat ProClimb '14-15 Blow Hole - 29 712.00р
Номер в каталоге: 59-59901
Описание: Arctic Cat ProClimb '14-15 Blow Hole -
Цена: 29 712.00р.
В корзину шт.
59-59920 Polaris Pro RMK '11-15 Optional Right Side Kick Plate - 6 672.00р
Номер в каталоге: 59-59920
Описание: Polaris Pro RMK '11-15 Optional Right Side Kick Plate -
Цена: 6 672.00р.
В корзину шт.
59-59925 Polaris Pro Ride '11-15 Blow Hole - 17 842.00р
Номер в каталоге: 59-59925
Описание: Polaris Pro Ride '11-15 Blow Hole -
Цена: 17 842.00р.
В корзину шт.
59-59950 Ski-Doo XM '13-15 Blow Hole - --
Номер в каталоге: 59-59950
Описание: Ski-Doo XM '13-15 Blow Hole -
Цена: 0.00р.
В корзину шт.
59-59990 Polaris Pro-R 600/800 AC Rectifier Plug - 5 808.00р
Номер в каталоге: 59-59990
Описание: Polaris Pro-R 600/800 AC Rectifier Plug -
Цена: 5 808.00р.
В корзину шт.
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