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Kimpex Motorcycle
Parts & Accessories 2015

Batteries, spark plugs & electrical
Brakes, cables & controls
Chains & sprockets
Chinese parts
Exhaust & intake
Lubricants & shop supply
Luggages & seats
Off road bike accessories
Off-road body parts
Oil filters & engine parts
Security & transportation
Street bike accessories
Suspension, forks, seals & bearings
Tires, wheels, tubes & repairs
Kimpex Motorcycle Parts & Accessories 2015

Ipone tire repair


  • Repair and inflate tires
  • This product is used to fix punctures and reinflate the tire (for tires with or without tubes) without tools and without removing the tire. It is recommended for motorcycles, ATV’s and trailers.
  • Sold each
Ipone tire repair

Ipone tire repair

Ipone tire repair
№ каталог Описание Цена
050697 250 ml spray 23 320.70р
Номер в каталоге: 050697
Описание: 250 ml spray
Цена: 23 320.70р.
В корзину шт.
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