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Kimpex Motorcycle
Parts & Accessories 2015

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Kimpex Motorcycle Parts & Accessories 2015

Ipone protector 3 spray


This multipurpose aerosol releases seized metal parts, and is also an excellent insulator for electrical components such as spark plug cables, coils and connector cables. It creates a film which provides effective protection against weathering and humidity.

  • Thanks to its many uses, this product is essential for ATV, boat and jet ski users.
PROTECTOR 3 is ideal for use after washing, to protect all metal and electrical components.
  • Sold each
Ipone protector 3 spray

Ipone protector 3 spray

Ipone protector 3 spray
№ каталог Описание Цена
050677 750 ml Spray (For case, order 12) - OEM No. 730 24 987.70р
Номер в каталоге: 050677
Описание: 750 ml Spray (For case, order 12) - OEM No. 730
Цена: 24 987.70р.
В корзину шт.
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