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Kimpex Motorcycle
Parts & Accessories 2015

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Kimpex Motorcycle Parts & Accessories 2015

Steadymate cinchtite handle straps

Tie downs

The Handle Strap is design to fit over the handle of your vehicle and secure to either the Cinchtite 1 and 2 tie-down series. The diameter of the handle must be less than 2.5’’ for this accessory to fit your use.

Steadymate cinchtite handle straps

Steadymate cinchtite handle straps

Steadymate cinchtite handle straps
№ каталог Описание Цена
914009 Steadymate Cinchtite Handle Straps - 2 per package 2 610.72р
Номер в каталоге: 914009
Описание: Steadymate Cinchtite Handle Straps - 2 per package
Цена: 2 610.72р.
В корзину шт.
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