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Kimpex Motorcycle
Parts & Accessories 2015

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Kimpex Motorcycle Parts & Accessories 2015

Slip streamer scratch remover


  • An exclusive cream formula which quickly removes minor scratches and scuffs from acrylic plastics without harsh abrasives and/or strong chemicals
  • Use before CLEANER/POLISH on surfaces which are scratched, very dirty, or dull
  • Sold each
NOTE: Not recommended for Lexan or hard-coated plastics (ie., some windshields and helmet faceshields).

Slip streamer scratch remover

Slip streamer scratch remover

Slip streamer scratch remover
№ каталог Описание Цена
001864 7.5 oz. Bottle Scratch Remover 1 973.62р
Номер в каталоге: 001864
Описание: 7.5 oz. Bottle Scratch Remover
Цена: 1 973.62р.
В корзину шт.
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