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Yamaha On-Road

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Yamaha On-Road Motorcycle

Yamaha on-road motorcycle yamalube yamaclean carpet cleaner

Cleaners & degreasers

Gently foams away soil, oil, and grease from vinyl, fabric, and carpet. The surfactant formula surrounds and suspends soil – only mild agitation with a carpet brush is needed. Treat problem areas or the entire carpet. Spot cleaning should not leave rings on fabric.
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Yamaha on-road motorcycle yamalube yamaclean carpet cleaner

Yamaha on-road motorcycle yamalube yamaclean carpet cleaner

Yamaha on-road motorcycle yamalube yamaclean carpet cleaner
№ каталог Описание Цена
ACC-YAMAC-CT-CR Yamalube® Yamaclean Carpet Cleaner - 12 oz. Bottle 227.43р
Номер в каталоге: ACC-YAMAC-CT-CR
Описание: Yamalube® Yamaclean Carpet Cleaner - 12 oz. Bottle
Цена: 227.43р.
В корзину шт.
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