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Yamaha On-Road Motorcycle

Yamaha on-road motorcycle yamalube polyurea grease

Lubricants & grease

Formulated with deposit control, this NLGI® #2 grade grease resists oxidation and rust on components, and the effects of aging and operating at temperatures between -10 and 325°F. Designed for the high temperature and speed exhibited in the mechanical bearing of a primary sheave drive.
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Note: Product should be used where Grease H and Shell® BT Grease 3 are specified in the service manual.

Yamaha on-road motorcycle yamalube polyurea grease

Yamaha on-road motorcycle yamalube polyurea grease

Yamaha on-road motorcycle yamalube polyurea grease
№ каталог Описание Цена
ACC-POLYG-RS-10 Yamalube® Polyurea Grease - 10 oz. Tube 792.02р
Номер в каталоге: ACC-POLYG-RS-10
Описание: Yamalube® Polyurea Grease - 10 oz. Tube
Цена: 792.02р.
В корзину шт.
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