Tucker_Rocky ATV

Tucker_Rocky ATV
Главная Tucker_Rocky ATV
Chemicals & lubes
Antifreeze & coolants |
Iso-heet premium water remover & fuel system antifreeze
Antifreeze & coolants
- Absorbs five times more water than regular
gas-line antifreeze
- Cleans fuel injectors and carburetors
- Designed for year round use in all 2-cycle and
4-cycle gas and diesel engines
- Removes water from fuel system
- Prevents rust and corrosion
- Sold each
Iso-heet premium water remover & fuel system antifreeze
Iso-heet premium water remover & fuel system antifreeze
№ каталог |
Описание |
Цена |
530054 |
12 oz. - |
-- |
Номер в каталоге:
530054 |
12 oz. - |
0.00р. |