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Tucker_Rocky Apparel

Lifestyle accessories
Lifestyle apparel
Lifestyle footwear
Lifestyle novelties
Lifestyle packs & bags
Lifestyle sunglasses
Offroad apparel
Offroad eyewear
Offroad footwear
Offroad gloves
Offroad helmets
Offroad hydration
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Street apparel
Street extreme weather
Street eyewear
Tucker_Rocky Apparel

Firstgear dual portable heat troller

Street extreme weather

  • Allows one person to variably control heat separately to multiple garments, such as a jacket and gloves
  • Can also be used to balance heat between any set of heated garments, such as jacket liner on one control and gloves, pants and socks on the other
  • Portability allows use on more than one 12-Volt DC motorcycle or ATV
  • Limited lifetime warranty on wiring
Note: Each rider must have their own Heat-Troller.
Firstgear dual portable heat troller

Firstgear dual portable heat troller

Firstgear dual portable heat troller
№ каталог Описание Цена
512820 Dual Portable Heat-Troller™ - --
Номер в каталоге: 512820
Описание: Dual Portable Heat-Troller™ -
Цена: 0.00р.
В корзину шт.
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