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Western_Power_Sports Apparel

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Western_Power_Sports Apparel

Uclear pro microphone speakers


The PRO Microphones allow for even greater performance for those helmets that have more challenging acoustics. Designed for full face, open face, specialty snow and custom fit helmets. With higher speeds and louder pipes, PRO microphones help you communicate clearly. They feature the same ABF technology as other UCLEAR products and are to be used with HBC200 and 100+ series units.
  • Extended microphones allow precision placement for maximum clarity
  • Hi-Fi audio performance
  • Extreme noise cancelation (when used with UCLEAR controller)
Uclear pro microphone speakers

Uclear pro microphone speakers

Uclear pro microphone speakers
№ каталог Описание Цена
71-8018 UClear Pro Microphone Speakers - --
Номер в каталоге: 71-8018
Описание: UClear Pro Microphone Speakers -
Цена: 0.00р.
В корзину шт.
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